Thursday, September 13, 2007

Fuck the Yankees.

Over the last few months I've been working on my knowledge and burgeoning love of baseball. I have also been working on my hatred of the NY Yankees. It's not because I hate NYC because I don't. I grew up a few hours north of the City and have many fond memories of visits and assorted adventures. The Yankees however can suck a fart out of a dead donkey's ass.

Now they are bitching about how gamers enjoy beaning dickheads like A-Rod in a game. Here's the article from

Goddamn Yankees.


  1. GO CUBBIES!Let me just say in any baseball game I play, I make a PRACTICE of beaning any fucking asshole who is up to bat. I bean Albert Pujols two or three times a game with different pitchers if I can. I fucking hit Alex Rodriguez in the fucking head if I can. It is just a part of the strategy of the game. Bean people or they will hit it out of the park. Fuck NY. Fuck NY. Those Yankees are bitches. Any team could rule the fucking galaxy if they had an endless fucking coffer. As far as the Cubs are concerned, Mess with the best, die like the rest.

  2. Every time with these guys. Every fucking time.


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