Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Continuing Adventures of Scoville Bessler: Sco gets conned by Browncoats

I know I was planning not to do another EVE post but the experience I had last night, I just have to write about.

I got conned.  Yup.  I had the feeling it was a set-up but hey, win some lose some.  Now the funny part is not when the pirate lured me off the beaten path (he was posing as a fellow n00b who wanted to practice PVP plus he offered me candy and a puppy and puppy made of candy) and proceeded to SVU me, what amuses me to no end is what happened after he stopped shooting at me and tried to hold me for ransom.

The pirate demanded that I pay him 5mil ISK (the in-game currency) and he'd let me be on my way.  Yeah, right.  Besides the boat I was in with all the equipment wasn't worth 5mil.  So I offered to pay half and the rest when I was safely out of harm's way.  He refused, I don't blame him because I wasn't gonna pay him the other half.  So we are at an impasse the pirate and I.  Then I remembered something I saw during the EVE Tournament, you can set your ship to self-destruct.

"Then he got an idea. An awful idea. The Grinch got a wonderful, *awful* idea!"

What would happen if I set my ship to self-destruct and abandoned ship?  So that's what I did.  I Kobayashi Maru'd the motherfucker.  Sure he could salvage the wreck but I had The Pork Chop Express  insured for the full amount so no real harm done.  I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.  What a cluster-fuck of a mugging.  My hat was off to the guy though, I haven't fell for something like since I was underage and trying to get alcohol.  I sent him a million ISK any way just for amusing me so much.  At least I didn't get nabbed by these guys:

AND, to things even better, the schmuck (I was duped so I was a schnook) was part of  the Browncoat Mercenary Corp, led by one Saffron Reanolds!  I'm lucky I didn't end up naked on a rock in the middle of nowhere.  I just wish I had been in "The Hero of Canton".  I suddenly felt a slew of people sing, "The man they called Jane."

I love this game, in case you couldn't tell, because of shit like this and other stuff too.  Plus they never make you pay for new content.


  1. Maurice Daigle6:04 PM

    wow i really think i need to start playing this....

  2. They may call themselves Browncoats, but you know Mal never would've pulled that kind of shit. Unless you were Alliance, which you weren't.


    Did I just out-nerd myself?


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